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SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis

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Table of Contents
Volume 12, Issue 6, pp. 799-961

Please Note: Electronic articles are available well in advance of the printed articles.

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A Continuum Limit of Matrix Inverse Problems

P. Deift and E. Trubowitz

pp. 799-818

The Jabotinsky Matrix of a Power Series

J. L. Lavoie and R. Tremblay

pp. 819-825

A Generalization of the Kreiss Matrix Theorem

Shmuel Friedland

pp. 826-832

On the Solvability of Certain Systems of Linear Difference Equations

A. S. Cavaretta, Jr., W. Dahmen, C. A. Micchelli, and P. W. Smith

pp. 833-841

The Perron Condition for Differential-Sifference Equations in a Hilbert Space

Richard Datko

pp. 842-852

Asymptotic Behavior of Solutions of $y'' = \phi (t)f(y)$

Steven D. Taliaferro

pp. 853-865

Existence, Oscillation and Eigenvalue Comparison Theorems for Two- and Three-Point Fourth Order Problems

Joseph DiGiallonardo

pp. 866-873

Positive Solutions of Negative Exponent Generalized Emden–Fowler Boundary Value Problems

C. D. Luning and W. L. Perry

pp. 874-879

Traveling Wave Solution for Some Nonlinear Diffusion Equations

C. Atkinson, G. E. H. Reuter, and C. J. Ridler-Rowe

pp. 880-892

The Quenching of Solutions of Semilinear Hyperbolic Equations

Peter H. Chang and Howard A. Levine

pp. 893-903

Asymptotic Behavior in Age-Dependent Population Dynamics with Hereditary Renewal Law

Pierangelo Marcati

pp. 904-916

Analysis of Galerkin Approximations of a Class of Pseudomonotone Diffusion Problems

G. Alduncin and J. T. Oden

pp. 917-930

A Turán Inequality Arising in Information Theory

R. J. McEliece, B. Reznick, and J. B. Shearer

pp. 931-934

Characterization of Positive Quadrature Formulas

Franz Peherstorfer

pp. 935-942

Some Transformations of Basic Hypergeometric Functions. Part I

A. Verma and V. K. Jain

pp. 943-956

Some Transformations of Basic Hypergeometric Functions. Part II

V. K. Jain

pp. 957-961